Pushing boundaries, new thoughts every day.

There’s always new ideas we want to try, not even all of them commercial. The art comes first and if it finds a commercial route to market via one tributary or another so much the better. We’re not in the business of simply appeasing a market, we think our customers expect a little more! This is great as it pushes us further on down that road of discovery full of late nights, coffee and red hot graphics cards. We think the time spent is worth it.


Wooden Forms

I’ve always loved Danish design, modernism and brutalism, plus a methodical search for harmony by so many Japanese artists. 3d enables me to achieve high levels of both accuracy and impossible intricacy in these designs. The light source isn’t a standard filament bulb, or halogen, rather a glow custom made for each form to illuminate it to its best advantage.

I chose wood as the material as it’s both natural and timeless and references the light touch of Japanese interior design. These could be 3D printed and made into lighting, or equally be at home on a wall in a Barbican apartment. I was going to try different materials, but I feel the wood and the coffee brown backgrounds are optimal.


This project is a surreal take on “things on sticks” impossible and rather odd desserts. Would you like to take a bite? Well perhaps part of you says ‘yes’ the other part decides to pass. These images are heavily inspired by organic forms not something you’d generally find in fine Italian gelato but the enticing use of colour draws you in. The cooler box ice and bright sprinkles take us back to long hot Summer days. The wooden stick you’ll notice is a thin impractical spindle acting as a display pivot but also makes eating these even if you wanted to a perplexing chore, I liked playing with the physics here.

So, inedible yet enticing all at the same time. These will be appearing as digital only sale in high resolution.

These two projects are very different in tone yet worthwhile for different reasons. One aims for a zen like use of transformed wooden forms and allows the viewer the space to contemplate, while looking into the gentle glow. The other project is completely unbridled fun, a riot chaotic colour and a return to childhood memories of the ice cream van, with a gloriously impractical wit, something of a twist rather than a flake!


All change at Ceruse Towers


Art Activating the Senses