All change at Ceruse Towers
Sometimes things just change…
Ceruse had always been my baby, it was something I did in my spare time as I love to create. I’m an artist and away from often creatively quite constrained as part of my day job as a commercial graphic designer, I need some expression without limits.
Not everyone gets this and thinks there has to be a commercial angle or else why would I do it? I’m not comparing myself to the talents of Van Gogh or Modigliani bit neither made a penny in their lifetime, there was something else at work, the pursuit of the muse - a constant driving urge to create aesthetic things, that pushed the limits of their visual skills. At Ceruse I’ve never made art for arts sake it needs to be true to itself and have a resonance.
Ric and Abi got my artwork and loved it and saw a commercial potential. Not everybody does and in that sense the shop addition to the website was folly as my work is niche rather than the type of bland muzak compositions you might find on commercial and dare I say cheap websites - I never made ‘me too’ artwork. We don’t compromise on process or paper as everything Ceruse makes is what we would hang in our own homes. Abi and Ric are dear friends and are creative graduates that can magpie and spot a potential others may not immediately see.
After a year or so of approaching many interior designers, it’s clear what we offered commanded attention rather than blending into the harmony of a room. You may feel different looking at the artwork, it requires a bold move. In that sense the artwork has an appeal to quirky interior design or property developers who want something out of the ordinary, or the fine art collector that would either like a piece that’s featured or something bespoke that asks the viewer to look at it and is unique to them.
So for the time being Ceruse is just me. But the doors always open.